Dandruff affects more people than we would think - over 50 million in the U.S. And realizing we have been in a social situation with dandruff flakes apparent on our shoulders or hair does not necessarily leave us brimming with confidence.
Dandruff is especially common amongst people with thinning hair, as both thinning hair and dandruff are often the result of a dry scalp. What are the best ways to promote a healthy scalp?
The simplest way is to manage stress. Studies show that having a weekly workout routine greatly diminishes stress levels. It is not only beneficial for your body, but for your mental health as well, as these two things are inextricably tied together. Working out and exercising is also great for your overall confidence, which we all know can take a blow when we are facing issues such as dandruff and hair loss.
Other clinically proven ways to manage stress are meditation, yoga, and eating a balanced diet. Making sure that your diet contains enough zinc, B vitamins, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats is a proven way to diminish both dandruff and hair loss. Spending plenty of time outdoors is also not only good for mental health, but sunlight can help control dandruff. We don't recommend sunbathing because of the risk of skin cancer, but going for walks, hiking and jogging (with sunscreen) are all great ways to make sure your scalp is getting the sunlight it needs.
If your hair and scalp trend toward the oily side, daily shampooing can help regulate dandruff. Massage your scalp softly to remove the flakes and rinse well. If your hair is dry, which as stated above is typically the case in people with thinning hair, it is important to shampoo less frequently, and condition your hair in between washings.
Another way to care for your scalp and prevent dandruff is to limit your use of harmful hair styling products. We want you to have well-styled hair that makes you feel confident, and we offer a selection of healthy hair styling products- so a way around this is to ensure that you don't allow products to build up on your scalp and clog your pores. When using hair products, it is ideal to wash your hair before going to sleep, to avoid product build up over time, which blocks the pores on your scalp, preventing healthy follicles from growing.
The most important thing is to develop a hair care routine that works for your own specific needs. Experiment with different shampoos and conditioners, and with different frequencies of hair washing. For both dandruff and thinning hair, once you have developed a consistent routine with products that work for you, it can take a huge load of stress off of your mind. Knowing you are doing everything to can to take care of your hair in the way it deserves is more than half the battle. And the truth is, dandruff is treatable - once you are taking care of your hair in the right way, using the correct products, it will cease to bother you. If your dandruff won't go away there are medicated shampoos available for extreme cases.
We want you to have thriving, healthy hair that makes you feel confident in any social situation. While dandruff is something you may be able to handle on your own, hair loss is a battle that is best fought together. We have many specialized hair treatment solutions for any type of hair loss and would love to hear from you. Book your free consultation today!