Privacy and confidentially: Two concepts that are very important to us – because we’ve been there. Be assured that every visit to Images of Princeton, including your initial consultation, will be handled in the strictest of confidence; right down to the room it takes place in.
After we’ve explained each solution and have completed a hair analysis, we will determine if you are a candidate for one of our procedures. If so, we will discuss in more detail your hair’s condition, color composition, texture and density.
Making such a decision that will affect your everyday appearance in the real world isn’t an easy one. Emotions tend to become a very real part of the decision making process. Some questions clients typically ask or think about are: how will my friends, coworkers, and family react? Will they even notice? Will my hair look natural?
Be assured that Images of Princeton will guide you through the entire process and you will be happy with the change. Hair restoration and the beauty industry is now completely accepted in today’s society and very much in vogue. The days of giving up and shaving your head are over. Remember, it’s never too early or too late, to start thinking about the way you want to look.